ATM | Investors' Association Apps

Stock Market Trading Tools 1.0
Stock Evaluation Trading Tool in use in thisapplication is based in valuation methods used to estimate theattractiveness of an investment opportunity or predictingbankruptcy.The Stock Evaluation uses four simple Stock Trading Tools:☆ Weighted Average Cost of Capital☆ Discounted Cash Flow Model (is disabled in the freeversion)☆ Discounted Dividend Model☆ Altman Z-ScoreThis mobile trading tools application was designed to make yourtrading experience easier, convenient, and more profitable.The Stock Evaluation is a convenient, comprehensive, (free)downloadable trading tool that allows investors to know the valueof what they pay for a company share.
IQ Boost Free - brain game 3.0
How to Become More Intelligent Than You Are Now? training yourworking memory
Sluggish Snail for kids 7.0
::: Beta Version :::Improve brain health and performance.Scientists have even tied eye-hand coordination and reflexesvideo-games to a greater ability to perform well on tests, atsports, and other visually demanding activities. Better attentioncan also improve the ability to filter out distraction, thusincreasing the performance in general tasks.Sluggish Snail is a free educational and brain game designed byPortuguese Investors' Association for children of all ages (andadults too) to help your children (and you) increasing their (andyours) productivity at class/work and home.Teach your kids about ordering numbers and help them to thinkmore clearly and quickly, improve reaction time, and increaseawareness with this simple, easy, fun and educational reflexesgame.............................................Brain training produces real world benefits.............................................HOW TO PLAY:Click as fast as you can the numbers in ascending order (fromleast to greatest) or in descending order (from greatest to least),depending the sentence that you hear at the beginning of eachlevel.Notes:1- Every time you touch the wrong number you have a penalty toscore and the numbers are again distributed randomly. This stopsthe movement of numbers for a few milliseconds. If you clickrepeatedly the wrong number it will stops the movement milliseconds* n times.2- If you touch the correct number behind or in front of anothernumber, your choice is correct (because you touch the correctnumber) but is wrong too (because you also touched the wrongnumber). Try touching the correct number when it is isolated.3- When the numbers are moving quickly, you have to be fast totouch them. Sometimes the numbers move so quickly, which gives theidea that you touched them when it is not true.::: Please rating the game and considers that this is a betaversion - Your feedback is very important to help us improve thisand other applications ::
Stock Market | Credit Default 2.0
Will your country default on debt?A country's or company's Credit Default Swap (CDS) spread is thecost (per year) for protection against a default on debt by aparticular company or sovereign entity.With this application, using the proper discounting and somebasic probability math, we get the Credit Default Probability for agiven country's or company's based on the CDS spread.But the application does more:In theory CDS spread should be closely related to Bond YieldsSpread. Then, using the Yield on an n-year par Bond Yield on ann-year par Bond issued by the entity being analyzed, and the BondYield on an n-year par risk-less Bond, is possible estimate theclosely CDS Spread and the Credit Default Probability.This application was developed by Octávio Viana to PortugueseInvestors' Association, based on the followings papers:Blanco, R., Brennan, S., & Marsh, I., 2003 "An EmpiricalAnalysis of the Dynamic Relationship between Investment Grade Bondsand Credit Default Swaps", Working Paper, Bank of England, May.Deutsche Bank Research, "Valuation of a CDS contract in the realworld case"Duffie, D., 1996 "Credit Swap Valuation", Working Paper,November 6Hull, J. & White, 2000 "Credit Default Swaps I: NoCounterparty Default Risk", Journal of Derivatives, 8,1, Fall,29-40.Hull, J., Predescu, M. & White, 2004 "The Relationshipbetween Credit Default Swaps Spreads, Bond Yields, and CreditRating announcements", Working Paper, 2004, JanuaryLitterman & Ilben T., 1991, "Corporate Bond Valuation andthe Term Strucutre of Credit Spreads", Journal of PortfolioManagement, Spring, pp. 52-64Longstaff, F. A., Mithal, S. & Neis E., 2003 "The CreditDefault Swap Market: Is Credit Protection Priced Correctly",Working Paper, Anderson School, UCLA, August.DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: Neither ATM and Octávio Vianaguarantee the accuracy, integrity, completeness, or timeliness ofthe application or any results generated by it. Likewise, ATM andOctávio Viana hereby disclaim all warranties or conditions, expressor implied, related to the app or the results provided by it,including, but not limited, to absence of viruses and damaging, anywarranties or representation that the application will beerror-free or that access thereto will be uninterrupted, that anyerrors or defects will be correctable or corrected. The applicationmaybe is not compatible with any particular device, be sure if feetin your device before buy it.Limitations of Liability: Your use of this app is solely at yourown risk. Neither ATM and Octávio Viana shall have any liability(whether direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special,exemplary or the like, including, but not limited to, investmentlosses or lost profits) to You or any other party arising in anyway from your use of, or inability to use, the application.No Advisory Relationship: You understand and agree that the ATMor Octávo Viana, including, but not limited to, the results thatmay be provided by the application, does not constitute “investmentadvice” of any kind or establish any sort of advisory relationshipbetween You and ATM or Octávio Viana. You further understand andagree that ATM or Octávio Viana does not endorse or recommend anyfinancial products that may be used in conjunction with theapplication.Governing Law: This Agreement shall be construed under the lawsof Portugal. You agree to the exclusive jurisdictions of the stateor federal courts located in Porto, Portugal, for any claims oraction arising in any way with respect to the application or thisAgreement.If you download the application you are agreeing to the termsand conditions in this Agreement.If You do not agree to the terms and conditions contained inthis Agreement, don't download the application.
Stock Market | Altman Z-Score 2.0
NOW IT'S FREE: Altman Z-Score Trading Tools isfinancial application designed to help you to perform a financialstatement analysis based on the Altman Z-Score model to predict theprobability that a company will go into bankruptcy.This trading tool allows:☆ Store (save, load, and delete) your calculations to theinternal memory or the SD memory Card for next time (useful tocompare similar companies or a compare a company over differentperiods)☆ Get help (SOS button) about each item needed for thecalculationsAbout Altman Z-Score (source: Wikipédia):The Z-score formula for predicting bankruptcy was published in1968 by Edward I. Altman, who was, at the time, an AssistantProfessor of Finance at New York University.The formula may be used to predict the probability that a firmwill go into bankruptcy within two years. Z-scores are used topredict corporate defaults and an easy-to-calculate control measurefor the financial distress status of companies in academic studies.The Z-score uses multiple corporate income and balance sheet valuesto measure the financial health of a company.
Stock Market Arbitrage 1.0
Gain an edge with hedge.This Trader Tool calculates the Theoretical Value of a Shareorthe Theoretical Value of a Right when the share is soldex-rightsand before the rights expires.Sometimes, rights offerings can create remarkablearbitrageopportunities, and this tool can help you to takeadvantage of somemispricing.This mobile trading tool was designed to make yourtradingexperience easier, convenient and more profitable.
SMS Auto Reply Pro 4.0
The SMS Auto Reply PRO is an awesome newSMSauto-responder that allows users to easily define reply messagestoincoming SMS.When enabled, it auto-responds to incoming SMS notifyingthesender you will be available for contact in X time (updateeverysecond).The user can manage all Auto-reply messages saves on thephone(create and save new ones or delete existing ones).This is helpful for the trading hours, when the user is intheclass or driving.This will be the first release that allows the user to createablack and a white list to the contacts, and a black and whiteboxlist to the words.This is a simple app exclusively to Android, but has richandpowerful features to manage and reply text messagesfromanyone.Block options:☆ Block reply messages for a list of numbers in theBlackList.☆ Block reply messages for a list of words in the Black Box.Exception options:☆ Reply sms for a list of numbers (White List)☆ Reply sms for a list of words (White Box)Forwarding options:☆ Forward sms to another number☆ Forward sms to twitterLocation options:☆ Reply sms with you geolocation (address and coordinates) intheend of the messageQuick access☆ Turn on/off auto reply☆ Turn on/off timer☆ Turn on/off [auto reply] message☆ Turn on/off black and white lists☆ Turn on/off signature☆ Speech-to-text☆ Pop-up incoming sms☆ Intuitive menus gives the user all the information neededonlywhen it's needed.
Stock Market | DDM 3.0
Stock Market Fundamental Analysis ToolDiscounted Dividend Model (DDM) app is financialapplicationdesigned to help you to estimate the attractiveness ofaninvestment opportunity, analyzing the futures dividends that afirmwill generate for the investor that grows at a constant rateanddiscounts them at an appropriate rate to arrive at presentvalue(concepts of time and risk value of money).The DDM takes in account the Oppotunity and Risk oftheinvestment, and the Inflation over time using the PresentValueconcept.This model doesn't work for companies that don't pay outdividendor that with different pay outs. In this case you canreplace thedividend per share with the earnings per share.Discounted Dividend Model app was developed by Octávio VianatoATM | Portuguese Investors' Association, and sponsored byDifBroker ( and Thinkfn ( Neither ATM and Octávio Viana guarantee theaccuracy,integrity, completeness, or timeliness of the DiscountedDividendModel application or any results generated by it.Likewise, ATM andOctávio Viana hereby disclaim all warranties orconditions, expressor implied, related to the app or the resultsprovided by it,including, but not limited, to absence of virusesand damaging, anywarranties or representation that the applicationwill be error-freeor that access thereto wil be uninterrupted,that any errors ordefects will be correctable or corrected. Theapplication maybe isnot compatible with any particular device, besure if feet in yourdevice before buy it.Please read this disclaimer in full (in our website orAndroidMarket app) before you use this app.
IQ Boost - boys' names version 2.0
IQ BoostHaving a better memory can help you remember names,dates,locations, and recall important information more quicklyandaccurately.According to a study published by the University ofMichigan(USA), presented at the Association for PsychologicalScience(Washington), shows that playing “dual n-back” 20 minutes aday of20 days, may actually improve the working memory (shorttermmemory) and fluid intelligence. The memory task game helpstoachieve better results in IQ tests since it increases theabilityto reason and develop new problems.“Fluid Intelligence refers to the ability to reason and tosolvenew problems independently of previously acquireknowledge”(Jaeggi, M. S., et al., 2008)The game "n-back", created by Kirchner, in 1958, is a memorytaskthat encourages the use of "working memory", which has theabilityto retain information in short-term memory in an activeway, evenbefore interruptions, distractions or interference.IQ Boost, which is presented here, offers the "dualn-back",which allows display the auditory stimulus at the same rateasspatial stimulus, increasing the difficulty of the game.Thedifficulty may also be increased by increasing the game’s timeandthe number of n-previous.The game, like was presented by the authors’ paper, isquitesimple, basically consists of a memory test on acontinuousperformance task, in which the player saw two series (oronly one)of stimuli that were synchronously presented at the rateof 3000msper stimulus. One string of stimulus consisted of aauditorystimulus (category of animals) whereas the other string ofstimulusconsisted of individual spatial locations marked on thescreen. Thetask is to decide for each string whether the currentstimulusmatched the one that was presented n-previous in theseries.This mental exercise is great for children or adults who,wheninterrupted or distracted by something, have difficultyrememberingwhat he they was doing.Have fun while increasing your mental power ...::: Before buying, try our free IQ Boost version :::-------------------------Screen Resolution 320x480-------------------------- A MESSAGE FROM THE DEVELOPER -Dear all,Recently, I had really problems with my short-term memory,andthis my recent inability led me troubles to recallconversationsthat happened days, hours or minutes before, andsometimes I getconfused when I watch TV, working in a paper,reading books,cooking or anything else that I needed to be focusedand bereminded of what I was doing.These sort of problems are called action slips (forgettingwhatI'm doing following an interruption) and retrospectivememoryproblems (forgetting a detail about a past event). But Ihaveprospective memory problems too, which includes forgetting todosomething (failure to remember to close the door, feed thedog,post a letter, an appointment, etc.).This memory failures during my daily activities, had beguntodisrupt my quality of life, and making tasks at home and atworkvery difficult and painful.I went to the doctor (psychiatrist) who told me that myproblemwas not Alzheimer's disease or another type of dementia, asIthought it was. In fact, according the psychiatrist, theproblemwas temporary and caused by stress.A stressful life or a depression can affect our ability tostorean recall memories and the mental processes are slowed, andtheworking memory is particularly affect.In order to solve my problem without having to make extensiveusof drugs, I started a better diet, walking a hour a day withoutanychance of being interrupted... and I studied others(technological)alternatives: I did some research and I read someworking papersabout these issues.I was lucky to read an awesome scientific paper about theworkingmemory and fluid intelligence, and based on this scientificstudy,published by the University of Michigan (USA),I built thisapp thathelped me to regain my memory.Kind regards,OV
IQ Boost girls' names version 2.0
IQ BoostHaving a better memory can help you remember names,dates,locations, and recall important information more quicklyandaccurately.According to a study published by the University ofMichigan(USA), presented at the Association for PsychologicalScience(Washington), shows that playing “dual n-back” 20 minutes aday of20 days, may actually improve the working memory (shorttermmemory) and fluid intelligence. The memory task game helpstoachieve better results in IQ tests since it increases theabilityto reason and develop new problems.“Fluid Intelligence refers to the ability to reason and tosolvenew problems independently of previously acquireknowledge”(Jaeggi, M. S., et al., 2008)The game "n-back", created by Kirchner, in 1958, is a memorytaskthat encourages the use of "working memory", which has theabilityto retain information in short-term memory in an activeway, evenbefore interruptions, distractions or interference.IQ Boost, which is presented here, offers the "dualn-back",which allows display the auditory stimulus at the same rateasspatial stimulus, increasing the difficulty of the game.Thedifficulty may also be increased by increasing the game’s timeandthe number of n-previous.The game, like was presented by the authors’ paper, isquitesimple, basically consists of a memory test on acontinuousperformance task, in which the player saw two series (oronly one)of stimuli that were synchronously presented at the rateof 3000msper stimulus. One string of stimulus consisted of aauditorystimulus (category of animals) whereas the other string ofstimulusconsisted of individual spatial locations marked on thescreen. Thetask is to decide for each string whether the currentstimulusmatched the one that was presented n-previous in theseries.This mental exercise is great for children or adults who,wheninterrupted or distracted by something, have difficultyrememberingwhat he they was doing.Have fun while increasing your mental power ...::: Before buying, try our free IQ Boost version :::-------------------------Screen Resolution 320x480-------------------------- A MESSAGE FROM THE DEVELOPER -Dear all,Recently, I had really problems with my short-term memory,andthis my recent inability led me troubles to recallconversationsthat happened days, hours or minutes before, andsometimes I getconfused when I watch TV, working in a paper,reading books,cooking or anything else that I needed to be focusedand bereminded of what I was doing.These sort of problems are called action slips (forgettingwhatI'm doing following an interruption) and retrospectivememoryproblems (forgetting a detail about a past event). But Ihaveprospective memory problems too, which includes forgetting todosomething (failure to remember to close the door, feed thedog,post a letter, an appointment, etc.).This memory failures during my daily activities, had beguntodisrupt my quality of life, and making tasks at home and atworkvery difficult and painful.I went to the doctor (psychiatrist) who told me that myproblemwas not Alzheimer's disease or another type of dementia, asIthought it was. In fact, according the psychiatrist, theproblemwas temporary and caused by stress.A stressful life or a depression can affect our ability tostorean recall memories and the mental processes are slowed, andtheworking memory is particularly affect.In order to solve my problem without having to make extensiveusof drugs, I started a better diet, walking a hour a day withoutanychance of being interrupted... and I studied others(technological)alternatives: I did some research and I read someworking papersabout these issues.I was lucky to read an awesome scientific paper about theworkingmemory and fluid intelligence, and based on this scientificstudy,published by the University of Michigan (USA),I built thisapp thathelped me to regain my memory.Kind regards,OV
Stock Market | DCF (full) 4.0
Stock Market Fundamental Analysis ToolDiscounted Cash Flow Model (DCFM) is financial applicationdesignedto help you to estimate the attractiveness of aninvestmentopportunity, analyzing the futures cash flows that a firmwillgenerate for the investor (free cash flow) and discounts themat anappropriate rate to arrive at present value (concepts of timeandrisk value of money).The DCFM takes in account the Oppotunity and Risk oftheinvestment, and the Inflation over time using the PresentValueconcept.Key Components of the DCFMFree cash flow (FCF) – Cash flow generated for theinvestorTerminal value (TV) – The value of an investment at the end ofaperiod (when is expect that all future free cash flows stabilizeata constant growth rate in perpetuity.), discounted atanappropriate rate to arrive at present valueDiscount rate – The rate appropriated used to discount theestimatedFCFs and terminal value to their present values -generally has aWACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital).This trading tool allows:☆ Store (save, load, and delete) your calculations totheinternal memory or the SD memory Card for next time (usefultocompare similar companies or a compare a company overdifferentperiods)☆ User to email a brief summary with the results of the DCFM."Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." - Ben GrahamThis mobile application was designed to make yourinvestmentdecisions easier, convenient and more profitable.DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: Neither ATM and Octávio Vianaguaranteethe accuracy, integrity, completeness, or timeliness ofthe DCFMapplication or any results generated by it. Likewise, ATMandOctávio Viana hereby disclaim all warranties or conditions,expressor implied, related to the DCFM or the results provided byit,including, but not limited, to absence of viruses and damaging,anywarranties or representation that the DCFM application willbeerror-free or that access thereto wil be uninterrupted, thatanyerrors or defects will be correctable or corrected. TheDCFMapplication maybe is not compatible with any particular device,besure if feet in your device before buy it.Limitations of Liability: Your use of the DCFM is solely atyourown risk. Neither ATM | Investors' Associations and OctávioVianashall have any liability (whether direct, indirect,incidental,consequential, special, exemplary or the like,including, but notlimited to, investment losses or lost profits) toYou or any otherparty arising in any way from your use of, orinability to use, theDCFM application.No Advisory Relationship: You understand and agree that theATMor Octávo Viana, including, but not limited to, the results andthesummary that may be provided by the application, doesnotconstitute “investment advice” of any kind or establish any sortofadvisory relationship between You and ATM or Octávio Viana.Youfurther understand and agree that ATM or Octávio Viana doesnotendorse or recommend any financial products that may be usedinconjunction with the DCFM application.Investment in any security involves risk that, uponredemption,the security may be worth more or less than theoriginalinvestment. You are strongly encouraged to seek assistancefrom afinancial professional to determine suitable investmentoptions foryour risk tolerance and/or obtain each financialproduct’sprospectus (or its equivalent) prior to investing.Governing Law: This Agreement shall be construed under thelawsof Portugal. You agree to the exclusive jurisdictions of thestateor federal courts located in Porto, Portugal, for any claimsoraction arising in any way with respect to the DCFM applicationorthis Agreement.If you buy the application you are agreeing to the termsandconditions in this Agreement.If You do not agree to the terms and conditions contained inthisAgreement, don't buy the DCFM application.
SMS Auto Reply (away message) 2.0
The SMS Auto Reply is an awesome newSMSauto-responder that allows users to easily define reply messagestoincoming SMS.When enabled, it auto-responds to incoming SMS notifyingthesender you will be available for contact in X time (updateeverysecond).The user can manage all Auto-reply messages saves on thephone(create and save new ones or delete existing ones).This is helpful for the trading hours, when the user is intheclass or driving.This will be the first release that allows the user to createablack and a white list to the contacts.This is a simple app exclusively to Android, but has richandpowerful features to manage and reply text messagesfromanyone.Block options:☆ Block reply messages for a list of numbers in theBlackList.☆ Block reply messages for not in White List.☆ Exception list (numbers that do not block = numbers in theWhiteList )Quick access☆ Turn on/off auto reply☆ Turn on/off timer☆ Turn on/off [auto reply] message☆ Turn on/off black and white lists☆ Intuitive menus gives the user all the information neededonlywhen it's needed.